Monday, September 30, 2013

Madinah Dimodernkan

  • Knowledge Economic City
  • Madinah, SA
The City of Al Madinah has experienced a rapid growth of population over the last 10 years with current population at approximately 1.2 million. This population, along with a strong economic growth is expected to be sustained over the next 20 years resulting in doubling the population by 2028.
Previous studies have addressed travel demand and future growth in the city and among other mitigation plans and measures have recommended the implementation of public transit system for the city. This project intends to investigate and firm the functional design and requirements of a sub-set of Madinah Rapid Transit Initial System along King Abdulaziz road corridor between Haramain High-Speed Rail (HHSR) station and the Holy Haram.
The study has been carried out at a concept level of design and is aimed to gain a clear idea of the project requirements and possibilities. The concept level design additionally assists in defining planning level cost estimates relating to the capital expenditure, operational costs and ongoing maintenance costs. These cost estimates consider the rapid transit system as a whole including vehicles, stations, and the guideway.
A financial modeling exercise was also carried out to assess funding alternatives including different cost and revenue sensitivities with the objective to assist in decision making and arriving at a preferred scenario for implementation.

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